Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Tribute to the Red Sox

The Red Sox 2007 World Champions Ring

The Red Sox opened up thier home season yesterday by giving the team their World Series Rings. Here is a picture of the masterpiece. They also paid tribute to Bill Buckner, the 1986 Boston Redsox first baseman who let the ground ball slip between his legs that ultimately led the the Redsox losing game 6, and eventually, the World Series (I didn't see the game back in 86; we really didn't have much of a tv or reception in Wayan back then. Luckily, ESPN likes to revisit the game at least a couple of times a year so I've become quite familiar with the play). Bill now resides in Boise and has done quite well as a real estate developer and car dealership owner. It was nice to see the fans give Bill a standing ovation helping erase 22 years of pain Bill has gone through from that tragic missed play. The perfect home opener ended with the Japan pitching sensation, Dice K, pitching a great shut-out game (with the help of a couple of releivers). For those Boston fans out there, I hope you enjoyed the day. For those Yankees fans out there, mom, I hope it stings a little.

The first Yankees/Redsox series of the year starts on Friday. It's gonna be a good weekend.


Jeff & Suzie said...

UMM Scott as much as I love the baseball ring I think you are forgetting the tag etiquette on blogs. So no Mexico is not base and I am actually looking forward to you and Nat's stuff!! So chop chop and play right!!!

CorLesMarBoPiKo said...

Yawn! Let's see more pics of Natalie in her 2-piece .....since it's SO WARM IN BOISE, and we're SO LUCKY TO LIVE IN BOISE and BOISE IS SO NEAT, BOISE BOISE BOISE! Be sure to get some boobie shots!